Visual Com

Our vision of Graphic Design is inseparable from targeted communication.

Digit Com & Media

Increase market share, and better follow/serve the customers.

Back-Office consulting

To innovate in the most dynamic country of digital tech is to be visionary.

Digital Era, your Asset

Innovate and link for news opportunities

A Swiss Footprint:

HeidiTronic, Communication and visual Design Company, is an entity created by Swiss people in China. We link to your vision. Here we say: a wise hare has 3 holes in its burrow. This proverb is an example of the benefits of a dual culture. Who can tell me better?
Nowadays, the results of the innovation of digital Tech allow work outside the company's premises, this is what COVID-19 has changed indirectly in business management, and by far the most consequential of our consumer society.
Our vision is to offer you services of Swiss quality, but competitive. But why in China ? Because China is the following economic scheme: "doing Real Politik = Real Economy". This is the side of Chinese wisdom and objective mind.


Address: Xiang Ge Shen Lan Wan 3-408 . Jin Mao XI Road - Long Hua District

City: 570125 Haikou, Hainan Province, China
